ATP Resonance BioTherapy™

ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ is an integrative treatment that uses low-level microcurrents to treat a variety of pain and nerve-related conditions.

Why choose ATP Resonance BioTherapy™?

ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ is a technique for treating pain that uses low-level electrical currents. The current is delivered to certain parts of the body in an attempt to relieve the pain. Frequencies have a direct effect on our bodies and can almost instantaneously change the chemistry. For example, there are frequencies clinically proven to reduce inflammation and others that improve circulation. It’s like writing a computer program for our bodies to heal. There are 100’s of frequencies that we use to reduce inflammation and pain.


Initial Consultation Required

An initial consultation with one of our doctors is required to evaluate your case and determine if you are a good candidate for ATP Resonance BioTherapy™.

What to expect with ATP Resonance BioTherapy™?

The procedure is quick and painless. You’ll be in and out of the office within 45 minutes.  *some rehabilitation cases may require additional time or adjunct therapies in our office.
Treatment course The number of procedures you will need will vary based on your specific condition, the amount of time you've had it, etc.   A treatment plan to reach the targeted goal is required.
Accurate evaluation Once you are evaluated, the doctor will analyze your presentation and give you an estimate of the number of treatments needed according to clinical evidence-based data..png
The ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ process is repeated 2-4 times a week until maximum improvement is seen. Then a maintenance regimen is often prescribed to prevent recurrence. Maintenance may be as little as 1-2 times per month.
ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ can reduce symptoms and often results in a complete absence of symptoms, even in severe and chronic cases.
Break free from your pain.png

Conditions That We Commonly Treat

Common Questions Regarding ATP Resonance BioTherapy

+ How does ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ work?

ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ is applied to the body with a device that delivers a mild microcurrent (one millionth of an ampere). Depending on the biological structure or tissue involved, specific frequencies are selected to encourage natural healing of the body and to reduce pain.

+ How many visits will I need?

Each case is individually evaluated to determine the best treatment plan. The more severe or chronic the case, the more treatments it will take to reach the desired goal. As with any type of therapy, deviating away from the treatment plan often leads to a delayed healing response; therefore, it is extremely important to reserve the time and continue the consistent care to optimize vitality.

For patients that come in for preventative care or have reached their level of optimal vitality, it is highly encouraged to schedule monthly maintenance visits, aka tune-ups, to help keep the body strong and vibrant.

We strive to improve the quality of life for each and every patient we see.

+ Is this procedure painful?

This procedure is painless. Patients report feeling a warmth and softening of tissue in the affected area.

+ Is this procedure covered by insurance?

As of December 1, 2020, both Dr. Shivali Panchal Gruer and Dr. Dimitri Gruer are out-of-network providers. FSA and HSA wellness cards are accepted at OC Vitality.

Ready to become a Vitality Champion and feel the best you have in years?